After a tremendous amount of work, we are finally able to announce the Brazilian Portuguese version of this site, In addition, we have uploaded a large number of books, zines, posters, and articles in Portuguese. From now on, you can access a full list of our articles in Portuguese atês-brasileiro. Below, you can find a full list of all our books (all freely available in PDF), zines, and posters in Portuguese, as well.
This is part of our ongoing effort to fully internationalize our efforts, making them equally inclusive across all national borders and boundaries of language.
We first made contact with Brazilian anarchists in the 1990s; our material has appeared in Portuguese going back as far as early issues of our paper, Harbinger, which appeared under the name Arauto. Since the June 2013 uprisings we have published articles from comrades, directly from within the mobilizations. In addition, comrades in Brazil and Portugal have translated a vast amount of CrimethInc. material from English and other languages into Portuguese. All this material can now be gathered here in a unified platform.
We hope to continue our efforts to build tools and networks for communication and solidarity across the decades to come. We aim to establish strategic dialogue between anarchists and anti-authoritarian rebels active on all seven continents. Not just to translate analysis from one language or region for others, but also supporting voices of resistance wherever people are fighting against the oppression of capitalism, patriarchy, racism, and the state.
If you would like to help with translations to or from Portuguese and other languages, or if know of any material already translated and not yet on this site, please contact us by email:
Thanks—and see you on the streets!
Below, you can click the image to download the pdf.
Para comprar cópias impressas de Da Democracia à Liberdade clique aqui.
Sexta-feira, 29 de novembro: Ninguém paga! Chamado Internacional para uma Greve Contra o Aumento do Custo de Vida
O “Cessar Fogo” é uma Fraude Mortal—Mensagem de um camarada em Rojava
A relevância da invasão turca—Abordando as duras questões sobre imperialismo e solidariedade
Chamado para a ação: Solidariedade a Rojava – contra a invasão turca! Uma Apelo Urgente de Organizações Internacionais
Nacionalistas e Jihadistas Unidos—E Contra Eles, apenas Resistência Autônoma
O que queima a Amazônia—Um apelo de anarquistas do Brasil
A nova guerra contra imigrantes e anarquistas na Grécia—Uma entrevista com anarquista em Exarchia
Relato de Viagem: Turnê Brasileira lançando Da Democracia à Liberdade—Incluindo um panorama de movimentos e lutas anarquistas pelo Brasil
Polícia: Um Estudo Etnográfico—Foto-Ensaio Sobre a Obediência Armada
A ameaça a Rojava—Anarquista na Síria fala sobre o real significado da retirada das tropas estadunidenses da Síria por Donald Trump.
Todas Contra Bolsonaro! Todas contra Bolsonaro e a nova direita!