自二零一二年起, 羅賈瓦自治地區在打擊ISIS活動的同時,建立了具啟發性的多元族群自決、強調女性自主的社會實驗。在年復年的抗爭,儘管死傷無數,來自羅賈瓦的戰士參與在解放所有由ISIS侵佔了的地區及救出被脅持在ISIS要塞的人質。
為了嘗試合理化允許土耳其入侵敘利亞,特朗普在推特上指美國的納稅人不應花錢去拘留ISIS武裝分子,但事實上美國從沒就此花費過分毫,一直以來都是由敘利亞民主力量(Syrian Democratic Forces, SDF)去組織行動。而事實上,允許土耳其入侵庫爾德根據地,例如羅賈瓦自治地區,會為ISIS製造死灰復燃的條件,讓它繼續在敘利亞及世界各地的暴行。多年來,土耳其一直允許武器、新兵和資源經過其國界送到ISIS手上。
ISIS和土耳其的侵略,威脅當地的不同種族、宗教族群的存亡,包括阿拉伯人、基督徒(亞美尼亞人、亞述人、 迦勒底人和敘利亞人)土庫曼人、 車臣人、亞里維特人和雅茲迪人。由經年的壓迫中解放,這些族群終於能在生命中獲得自己的聲音,現在卻要面對土耳其軍隊和聖戰組織的屠殺。

連 結 ︰
行 動 支 援
若你的組織支持以上呼籲,請廣傳這篇文章及聯絡我們(coordination.for.rojava@protonmail.com)。 這個名單將在crimethinc.com和 itsgoingdown.org 持續更新。
- Coordination for the Defense of Rojava
- 1312 Press
- Acid Communist League of Atlanta
- Agency (www.anarchistagency.com/)
- Albany General Defense Committee
- Horacio Almanza Alcalde
- Anarresti Hacker Union
- Angry Socialist Community — ASC (@AngrySocialists)
- Anon Anarchist Action
- Antifascists of the Seven Hills
- Antifascistas Belo Horizonte — Brazil
- Atlanta Antifascists
- The Autonomous University of Political Education
- The Base
- Bay Area Mesopotamia Solidarity Committee
- Black Rose Anarchist Federation — Los Angeles Local
- Black Socialists of America
- Bloomington Anarchist Black Cross
- The Boiling Point Collective (http://facebook.com/pg/boilingpointkzoo/about/)
- The Rev. Dr. Colin Bossen, Unitarian Universalist Minister, First Unitarian Universalist Church of Greater Houston
- Breakaway Social Center
- Brigada 71 — NY Cosmos Supporters (@CosmosAFA)
- Chicago Anti-Fascist Action
- Chicago General Defense Committee
- Noam Chomsky
- Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists
- Cooperation Jackson
- The Dandelion Network
- Decolonize This Place (decolonizethisplace.org)
- Demand Utopia Seattle
- Democratic Socialists of America — Communist Caucus
- Democratic Socialists of America — Sacramento
- Young Democratic Socialists of America (YDSA) — Bloomington
- Denver Anarchist Black Cross
- Direct Action Front for Palestine
- DC Antifascist Coalition
- Ricardo Dominguez, Associate Professor, UCSD
- Earth Strike International (www.earth-strike.com)
- Economics for Everyone — Olympia (facebook.com/EconomicsforEveryoneOly/)
- Emergency Committee for Rojava (ECR) (www.defendrojava.org)
- Extinction Rebellion Seattle
- The Fayer Collective
- Fédération Anarchiste — France (federation-anarchiste.org)
- The Final Straw
- George Fish, Indianapolis
- Frontline Organization Working to End Racism (FLOWER)
- Flyover Social Center
- Gilets Jaunes de Saillans, France
- Le groupe libertaire Jules Durand (le-libertaire.net)
- Andrej Grubačić, Professor and Department Chair, Anthropology and Social Change, CIIS
- Grupo Erva Rebelde Anarquista (GERA), Porto, Portugal
- David Graeber
- Hispagatos
- The Holler Network
- Industrial Workers of the World — Atlanta
- Industrial Workers of the World — West Virginia
- Inhabit
- International Red Front (https://www.instagram.com/irf.official)
- It’s Going Down
- Kali Akuno
- Kasa Invisível Belo Horizonte — Brazil
- Knoxville Anti-Fascist Action
- Knoxville Radical Alliance
- Leveller Communications (leveller.info)
- Little Village Solidarity Network
- Love and Rage Media (@loveandrageNY)
- The Lucy Parsons Center
- Midwest Unrest (@MW_Unrest)
- Minnesota United Against Fascism (@MNUnitedAF)”
- Murfreesboro Anti-Fascist Action (Mboro AFA)
- Neighborhood Anarchist Collective (neighborhoodanarchists.org)
- No Space for Hate Bloomington (https://nospace4hate.btown-in.org/)
- Northeastern Mutual Aid and Defense (NOMAD)
- Noumenon Distro
- Olympia Solidarity Network (olyassembly.org/olysol/)
- One People’s Project (idavox.com)
- International Outlive Them Network
- Pacific NorthWest Antifascist Workers Collective (http://pnwawc.com/)
- Palestine Solidarity Committee — Blooomington, IN
- Panic! in the Discord Collective
- Dr. Ian Alan Paul, Assistant Professor of Emerging Media at Stony Brook University
- People’s Defense League — South Louisiana
- PM Press (www.pmpress.org/)
- Popmob — Portland, OR
- Progressive Global Commons (@ProGloCommons)
- A Radical Guide (www.radical-guide.com)
- rek2 (as individual)
- Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement- Elm City
- Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement — NYC
- Revolutionary Organizing Against Racism (ROAR Collective)
- The Right to the City — Timisoara, Romania
- Robert Evans (@IwriteOK)
- Rojava Montréal
- Rojava Solidarity Colorado (@RojavaSoliCO)
- Rojava Solidarity Portland (facebook.com/rojavasolidarityportland/)
- Rojava Solidarity Seattle
- Rose City Antifa, Portland, Oregon
- San Gabriel Valley Mutual Aid
- Scuffletown Anti-Repression Committee
- Seattle Rising Tide
- Micol Seigel, author of Violence Work
- Le Social Club (Le-Social.Club)
- Soflaexit (Soflaexit.com)
- Solidarity Against Fascism East Bay (SAFEBay)
- Sprout Distro
- Subversión #1312 (Subversion1312.org)
- Tar Sands Blockade — Texas
- The Teardown Community
- The Torch Antifascist Network
- Union Communiste Libertaire (unioncommunistelibertaire.org/)
- Voices in Movement
- A World Without Police
- Youth Liberation Front (Portland, Seattle, Wisconsin, Carolina, Bay Area, Illinois)
【左言起行】羅賈瓦:戰火中的革命 https://wknews.org/node/901 土耳其跨境出兵 戰機空襲當地民眾奔逃 https://www.cna.com.tw/news/firstnews/201910090400.aspx 伊斯蘭國敘利亞北部發動汽車炸彈襲擊 最少三死 https://news.now.com/home/international/player?newsId=365957