At 7 pm on Wednesday, September 12, Chris Hedges, author of “The Cancer in Occupy,” and a participant in the CrimethInc. ex-Workers’ Collective will meet for a pubic debate about tactics in the Occupy movement and beyond. The debate, free and open to the public, will take place in Proshansky Auditorium at CUNY in New York City.
For those who can’t attend, the debate will be live-streamed at https://crimethinc.com/livestream; the link won’t go live until the event proper begins, shortly after 6:30 pm Eastern Standard Time.
The livestream will be publicly screened at several events around the country, including:
Chapel HIll, NC: Internationalist Books, Facebook event page
Minneapolis, MN: Minnehaha Free Space, Facebook event page
Oakland, CA: The Holdout
Philadelphia, PA: Wooden Shoe Books, Facebook event page
Toronto, Ontario: “The Central,” 603 Markham Street
If you are also presenting a public screening of the debate and would like your event listed here, please email info@crimethinc.com with the details or post comment below.