We’re relieved to announce that, at long last, the “new” printing of Work has arrived here in Salem. We’ve put the binding through extensive torture testing, and by all accounts it has held up extraordinarily—these are the books as they should have been the first time.

This ludicrous saga of faulty production has taken years from our lives, but sitting here, paging through a copy, makes it all worth it—we really love this book, and hope you do too. All backordered copies have been mailed out as of Saturday, to arrive in hands shortly. New orders will be shipped out immediately. Thanks to everyone for their patience and understanding.
For those who have defective copies from the initial run …
1) If you ordered your copy from our online store, you have two options, and have to choose one or the other:
Credit: Keep your copy of the book, and fix it permanently in about five minutes by following the instructions at the end of this post. If you choose to do this, you will receive a $5 credit off any future order from our online store. The credit never expires and can be used on any item, any time. To redeem the credit, simply put “$5 WORK CREDIT” in the order notes and be sure to use the same email address with your new order as you did with the initial order.
Exchange: If you would like to simply exchange your book with defective binding for one never touched by human hands, with pristine binding, throw your old copy in an envelope, send it via Medial Mail ($2.60 in postage) to CrimethInc. Work Exchange / PO Box 13998 / Salem OR 97309. We’ll send you back a new copy along with $3 cash to reimburse your shipping and packaging costs. Simple as pie.
2) If you received your copy from any other source, then you can exchange your book for a new, proper copy by following the Exchange instructions above.
A note on how to permanently fix your original copy of Work.
The below photo is all too familiar for those unlucky ones who received a defective copy. Luckily the fault is fairly easy to fix and will result in a permanent solution to the binding problem. Once the cover has become detached, simply apply some glue directly on top of, and right next to, the previous glue line, indicated in the below photo by the red arrow. Then, carefully aline the spine and fold the front cover back into its proper position clamping down long enough to ensure the glue adheres solidly to both surfaces. Voila! Perhaps the most difficult part is finding a suitable glue that is strong and flexible but not bulky. These folks have some advice on that front.