On January 4th the United States Postal Service is implementing yet another rate change: for those in the US, prices will remain mostly unchanged (and amazingly, in the instance of Flat-Rate Priority Mail packages, actual go down a smidge); for those outside the US however, there will be increases to the already absurdly expensive shipping fees. An average 4.1% increase across the board will mean that for Canada and Mexico flat-rate envelopes and boxes will be increasing 47¢ and 95¢ respectively to $10.87 and $25.60; for the rest of the world, flat-rate envelopes and boxes will go up 48¢ and $1.33 respectively to $12.78 and $41.28.

If you were planning to order and want to save a few dollars, the deadline for ordering with the old rates is Noon, Pacific Time, on Saturday, January 2nd. After noon, all orders will be shipped at the new rates.