Crap Hound has long been an honorary member of the Paul F. Maul Artists’ Group and part of the CrimethInc. design process, and recently they have come out with a new issue sure to be of unmeasurable value to us, and anti-American anarchists everywhere. Crap Hound collects an unbelievable amount of reproducible artwork in each issue based around themes, and this new issue, #7, is the first part of the Church and State theme. If that sounds like a true bonanza, it’s because it is. You can order it from, and see pretty pictures of the insides at, Here is their blurb:

The first all new issue of Crap Hound in eight years! Featuring 96 pages of glorious religious and patriotic imagery! Despite the nearly decade stretch between new issues, editor Sean Tejaratchi has been dutifully culling the choicest hight-contrast art, lovingly lifted from vintage catalogs, advertising, obscure books, and found ephemera.