In August of 2006, the last copies from the first limited and numbered printing of Stone Hotel were sold. While a reprinting in the future remains a possibility, we’ve decided to make this PDF of the book freely available in the meantime to keep the text in circulation and help promote Raegan’s writing and new book, Rusty String Quartet. We’d like to remind everyone that we think a book of poetry like this one is the best example of why reading books on a computer screen is the worst format possible—it truly cannot be compared with the experience of reading such a finely tailored book in the real world. But alas, Stone Hotel is no longer in print, and this PDF will have to do; we can only hope that after enjoying these poems you will consider getting your hands on Raegan’s finely printed second book, filled with 264 poems in 340 pages, still in its first printing of 2,000 copies.
Stone Hotel PDF [hi-res, 12MB] - : - : - Stone Hotel PDF [lo-res, 640K]